Painting of tropical scene with flowers and waterfall

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Most of the paintings featured on this website are for sale unless otherwise indicated. Prices are based on their size and medium, and whether they are framed and signed. Oil on canvas paintings range from $1,500 for smaller unsigned works to $10,000 for some of the largest and lushest pieces. Works on paper can cost between $75 to $1,750. Discounts may be offered when more than one painting is acquired at a time. Shipping and handling costs are separate from the price of the work purchased.

Please note, painting prices may change over time based on demand and availability. 

To inquire about a piece, please contact the estate using the form on the contact page. Kindly include the work(s) you’re considering purchasing in the message section. You’ll receive a note back in a timely fashion, including payment options and any other additional information.

Thank you for your interest in John Laub’s work.